Thank you for a beautiful, practical and affirming post. I appreciate how you blend your experience with such a range of writers and resources.

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This was a great and needed read. Very powerful

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You are that “outstretched hand” for so many dear Christine. I am going to read this over and over and share with a person very important to me who I recognize is in this spiritual state. This is one of the richest, well researched and thought out reflections on Dark Night I have seen. Thank you. I’m so blessed to be part of your community as we “Journey Alongside”.

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Hi Christine, greetings from Vancouver Island, BC :)

I love your meaningful, powerful, thought-provoking and comforting articles, and this is no exception. I eagerly await each one :)

I’m in this phase myself and seem to be over and over again. Just when the dark night seems to have passed and I glimpse the dawn and feel so much gratitude for having gotten through …another dark night of the soul arises, a ten year pattern at this point, quite unrelenting (as friends of mine who know my life circumstances would agree!).

Do you have any further suggestions to those for whom such dark nights return again and again with barely a dawn in between? It’s hard to find hope and not give into despair when this feels like the pattern. I’m sure I’m not alone in this.

Love and light to you and thank you for all you do <3

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I. Am. Weeping. Thank you so much CVD. I am familiar with Ego Death, but I have not heard of it stated as Dark Night of the Soul. Your letter led me to YouTube where Eckhart Tolle described much of your letter and sentiment of going through the Dark Night.

I shared with my grieving sister.

It landed.

We needed this breakthrough today.

Your writing is healing so many of us out here.

Thank you, thank you.

Much love to you from us both.

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Thanks for sharing all this wisdom. I love the stories you share in your writing. Every person I've ever interviewed has one way or another shared how their Dark Night of the Soul was incredibly difficult, but they would never want to go back to before. I can say that's true from own my story as well. 🤍

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A powerful, moving story to introduce an important part of the spiritual life. Thanks Christine! This issue of your newsletter is so rich and informative.

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Christine, your newsletter is always so comforting. I sent this article to my mom, who as you know is grieving the loss of her husband of 40 years. Thank you for your work and writing ❤️

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This is beautiful and informative, Christine! Thank you for digging into a part of the human experience that, in my experience, is rarely spoken of but very real. I'm not sure that I have defined my life's low points as "dark nights of the soul," but I can recall at least one such period of time ... and that when I emerged from it, I realized my faith had migrated from my head to my heart. That was a huge and unexpected blessing.

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As we sort of alluded to on Wednesday, July 2021-July 2022 was my hardest time in COVID and my first deep dark night of the soul. I think the main thing that helped was time, which sucked. I am a tremendously impatient person and I think by temperament, reinforced by profession, I don't like to let things happen, I make things happen. The other thing that helped was simply having the experience that I could feel these very uncomfortable emotions and be ok. I think if/when I am supporting someone through this in the future, I would just bring so much tenderness, wrapping them in a blanket, brewing a cup of tea, stroking their hair. Just that gentle presence to let them know someone cares because, as you said, usually you feel so alone.

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This is another powerful piece, Christine. It makes me feel even more blessed and grateful for our connection, AND I am a little envious of those who receive your support in person!

I recognise many 'symptoms' of the Dark Night of the Soul. I poured them into journals, or pillow screams/punches late at night. I had thought Bruce Feiler's description of 'lifequakes' (from his book 'Life is in the Transitions') was good. However, your explanation and suggestions have a much deeper resonance. Saving to ponder and journal, and refer back to my old journals.

P.S. Thank you for NOT including any 'shoulds' or 'must dos'. You have a beautiful way of explaining without lecturing! (no surprise, given your role. I'm grateful!)

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Thank you for this reminder of the Dark Nights, Christine. I so appreciate your list of supportive ideas for being with this soul season. This has certainly named my experience of the past year plus of my life. And in that time I often remember that growth happens in the dark - in wombs, in soil, in the dormancy of trees, all growth, somewhat imperceptible but unmistakably happening below the surface of our awareness.

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Very powerful moment in life for many.

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